Coronavirus? 6 tips on visiting the mall
/[UPDATE 17/3/20] At this time, we do not think it is advisable to leave your homes unless needed. Nonetheless, if unavoidable, you may refer to the tips stated in this article which are now more relevant than ever.
DISCLAIMER: The author is not a medical professional. This article is based on research and non-medical professional experience. Please refer to our linked sources for official information.
With the precautionary measures taken by the government (source: NST), our non-medical opinion is that the chances of having direct contact with an infected individual and subsequently contracting COVID by visiting a mall is statistically low. Nonetheless, it doesn’t hurt to practice safety at all times. Hence, here are some tips on how to visit the mall during this period.
Tip #1. Use Google to determine an off peak mall time
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends maintaining a social distance of 1 meter from other people when out in the public. This is because the transmission mechanism of COVID is via droplets released through coughing or sneezing. Therefore, being too close with a stranger puts you at risk of breathing in the virus (source: WHO). This can be tough in a crowded location, therefore try to visit the mall during an off peak period. You can identify an off peak period by typing in the name of the mall into Google. You will get a chart which shows peak and off peak times for you to plan your trip. You can even change the day in the tool to see a prediction of what the crowd will be like.
Tip #2. Plan your route in the mall
One of the best ways to minimize your exposure while in a mall is to minimize the time spent in the mall, but this does not have to come at the cost of getting what you want. With a little planning, you can list out what you plan to do and then refer to mall directories to plan the most efficient path through the mall. This way, you can still do everything you want, just in less time. Here are links to mall directories where ParkEasy operates:
Tip #3. Call the shop first
If there’s something specific you’re looking for, consider calling the shop first. Otherwise you risk finding they are out of stock only when you arrive. Below are the information desk numbers for malls where ParkEasy is available. The operators at the information desk will either be able to transfer you directly to the shop, or provide you a number to call. You may also try contacting the FB page of the shop you’re looking for.
iOi City Mall - 03 8328 8899
Sunway Pyramid - 03 7494 3100
Sunway Velocity Mall - 03 2786 3970
Lot 10 - 03 2782 3566
Quill City Mall - 03 2602 2572
Tip #4. Buy online, collect in-store
Some retailers like Uniqlo, Watsons, and Harvey Norman provide you the ability to shop online and collect in-store. This saves you time searching for what you want in store.
Tip #5. Remember where you parked!
For a lot of people, forgetting where they parked is one of the main reasons their mall session becomes extended. Snap a photo of the car park pillar when you park and remember the first shop you see when you enter the mall to easily retrace your way back to your car park. If you’re using ParkEasy, you can also tap on your reservation to see where you’ve parked (iOS).
Tip #6. Avoid elevators
Firstly, being in an elevator is an enclosed space which puts you at risk of being within the recommended 1 meter social distance as mentioned in Tip #1 above. Secondly, one of the easiest ways to contract the coronavirus is to touch a surface which has coronavirus droplets. While touching the droplet itself will not make you sick, when you later on touch your eyes, nose, or mouth (which you definitely will do), the virus may then enter your body and infect you (source: CDC). Therefore there are 2 ways you can avoid this: (1) avoid frequently touched surfaces such as elevator buttons, door handles, leaning on the mall railings, etc. ; and (2) frequently wash your hands or use hand sanitizer especially after being in contact with (1).
If you’re using ParkEasy, here is mall access information for our mall car parks to plan your trip:
iOi City Mall
Tesco/Tesco+ - direct travelator and lift access
LG - direct access
VIP - direct access
Sunway Pyramid - direct elevator access; nearby escalator access
Sunway Velocity Mall - direct escalator access
Lot 10 - direct escalator and elevator access
Quill City Mall - direct escalator and elevator access
Bonus Tip #7. Don’t go to the mall if you’re sick
This applies whether you’re just having a regular flu or something worse. Going to a crowded area when you’re sick risks spreading the disease. If you think you may be sick with something serious, please visit your preferred health professional to seek medical advice. If you are looking for a hospital, you can also use ParkEasy at Sunway Medical Centre.
ParkEasy bays have direct access to the hospital
Once again, in the personal non-medical opinion of the author, the chances of contracting the virus when visiting a mall still remain statistically improbable. Nonetheless, I hope everyone looks after themselves and the information provided here is useful. Stay safe, healthy, and #ParkingAwesome!