Purchase ParkEasy Credits via Online Banking
/Now you can purchase ParkEasy credit via online banking at a discounted price of RM1.50 per transaction (the existing method is via Credit/Debit card at RM 2).
To do so, just follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Press on the “Menu" button to open the menu box
Step 2: Select “Add Credit”
Step 3 : Select desired amount and select “ Pay Via Online Banking”
Step 3 : Select your preferred bank and “Pay” at the bottom of the page, it will link you to a secure website to enter your details.
Step 4 : After entering your details and completing the transaction, a pop out box “Credit Purchase Successful” will appear and you’re done !
Now you have successfully topped up via online banking, you can now enjoy ParkEasy! #ParkingAwesome